Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30th: As my luck would have it...

Captains log star-date 05-30-2011

I became quite giddy on Wednesday May 11th (because of the date, some of you might already know the end to this tragic comedy).  I created my 1st blog!  I spent some time designing my blog, and figuring out the exact layout for all of my this' and thats.  I wrote what I thought was a perfect first blog post; mediocre at best, setting the bar just low enough that improvement was immanent.  The only problem...I chose to write my first blog on the very day that Blogger decided to turn everything into read only due to the crafty work of some highly intelligent hackers with nothing better to do.  So, it was all for nothing.  Boo.  But I'm back.

In the coming posts I will talk about my research, which was based on the use of Twitter in education, and the implications of social media in education.  I am very excited to announce that I have received an assistant principalship at a wonderful school in a wonderful district.  My hope is that this opportunity will allow me to further realize and assist the possibilities our youth bring to our future!  Thanks for reading.